Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday night I decided to go home for a little while to see my family. I was driving home and it was pretty dark out and I hit a mailbox! It was my first accident ever and I was so mad. It really was not that bad of a wreck, but my car got the worse end of it. My right mirror had hit the mailbox, and the mirror flew off and flew through the window and cracked my windshield. The mailbox was fine, it was a little crooked, and the the flag was missing. I searched for the flag but it was no where to be found. It really would not have been that bad if the mirror hadn't smashed my wind shied. That's going to be pretty expensive. What a good day gone bad. I'm going to try to go get it fixed this weekend. I feel really bad because the windshield is going to be really expensive. I told my parents they could take some of my graduation money if they needed to. There not that mad at me because my younger brother got in trouble this week for something much worse, so they don't think that hitting the mailbox is too big of an issue. This happens quite often actually, because my brother is always getting into trouble. On Friday, my dad drove by the house where the mailbox was, and no one lives there. I can't tell if this is a good or bad thing.

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