Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want a Kitten!

My favorite pet in the world besides my puppy Riley is a kitten! I had a cat that lived with me since I was 5 years old until I was 12 years old. His name was Lucky and I loved that cat to death! My parents knew it was going to be hard on me when he died, and it was. Lucky was a black cat with yellow eyes and had been my best friend growing up. He is what made me fall in love with kittens and cats. Last year, I asked my parents for a kitten for my birthday and they said they would not have a problem with getting me one if I was not moving off to college. So in conclusion, I never ended up getting one. I have been begging ever since then. My grandma found a whole litter of kittens underneath her back porch a few months ago and I rushed over there when I found out. The kittens were protected by the older mother cat, and they were not tame so they would not let me get anywhere near them. My parents said if I could catch them we could keep them for a little while and try to give them away. Every time I got near one they would all runaway, it was another failure. Just yesterday, my boyfriend found a kitten in his front yard. His family has tried to ask their neighbors if it belongs to anyone but it doesn't. He says that his family is trying to give it away and I want to keep it so badly!! He is going to bring it down here today and let me see it. I know for a fact that I'm going to fall in love with it.

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