Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want a Kitten!

My favorite pet in the world besides my puppy Riley is a kitten! I had a cat that lived with me since I was 5 years old until I was 12 years old. His name was Lucky and I loved that cat to death! My parents knew it was going to be hard on me when he died, and it was. Lucky was a black cat with yellow eyes and had been my best friend growing up. He is what made me fall in love with kittens and cats. Last year, I asked my parents for a kitten for my birthday and they said they would not have a problem with getting me one if I was not moving off to college. So in conclusion, I never ended up getting one. I have been begging ever since then. My grandma found a whole litter of kittens underneath her back porch a few months ago and I rushed over there when I found out. The kittens were protected by the older mother cat, and they were not tame so they would not let me get anywhere near them. My parents said if I could catch them we could keep them for a little while and try to give them away. Every time I got near one they would all runaway, it was another failure. Just yesterday, my boyfriend found a kitten in his front yard. His family has tried to ask their neighbors if it belongs to anyone but it doesn't. He says that his family is trying to give it away and I want to keep it so badly!! He is going to bring it down here today and let me see it. I know for a fact that I'm going to fall in love with it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Comparing Articles

Two news sites that I trust are ABC news and MSN news site. I believe that ABC does a good job relaying news to the public because anytime there is an issue or breaking news, ABC alerts us. My family watches ABC and it is always around. ABC is a legit news source because I do not recall one time where I have been falsely informed of something or lied to. I believe that MSN is also a good news source for a lot of the same reasons. MSN is my home page on my computer so every time I turn on my computer I read over the MSN news. MSN always informs the public in major headlines and important news. I think that everyone has their own favorite sites and like how some relay their messages differently from others. It might be because a certain news site was always around when they grew up, or it might be because the certain news source appeals to them in a personal way. I do not really watch the news or read news sites unless there is breaking news, or there it is right in front of me like MSN. Some new sites relay their information about how they view and feel about the situation. That can effect viewers and whether they like the news source or not. Some news sites are not trustworthy because they send out false information. It is important to be able to tell the difference in good news sites and bad news sites.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday night I decided to go home for a little while to see my family. I was driving home and it was pretty dark out and I hit a mailbox! It was my first accident ever and I was so mad. It really was not that bad of a wreck, but my car got the worse end of it. My right mirror had hit the mailbox, and the mirror flew off and flew through the window and cracked my windshield. The mailbox was fine, it was a little crooked, and the the flag was missing. I searched for the flag but it was no where to be found. It really would not have been that bad if the mirror hadn't smashed my wind shied. That's going to be pretty expensive. What a good day gone bad. I'm going to try to go get it fixed this weekend. I feel really bad because the windshield is going to be really expensive. I told my parents they could take some of my graduation money if they needed to. There not that mad at me because my younger brother got in trouble this week for something much worse, so they don't think that hitting the mailbox is too big of an issue. This happens quite often actually, because my brother is always getting into trouble. On Friday, my dad drove by the house where the mailbox was, and no one lives there. I can't tell if this is a good or bad thing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

newspaper articles

I did not really get what we were supposed to do?

1st article:

The first article I found was in the AJC titled "Cops playing Wii on the job." This was a good example because the title instantly catches the readers attention because people are interested in why are city cops are playing video games rather than doing their jobs. The officers were caught on camera and turned in. I'm sure that people in this town were a little worried about what was going on. Police men are supposed to be on the job at all times, not playing Wii.

2nd article:

The second article I found was in the New York Times. It was called "Seeing yourself In their Light," It is a good example because it is a fashion article about how people see others and it deals with the effects of media and magazines. Body image is a big issue with young teens today. This article deals with young girls and the effects that magazines can have on them.I think that this article catches the readers attention because it is an important issue. I don't think I have ever heard of this occurring anywhere, and I'm sure it has raised a few eyebrows to many other readers out there.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Panda Picture

New born baby panda and her mother share a warm interest in each other at a local zoo in China. They are interacting with each other as visitors come from all over town to observe the new addition to the zoo. According to zoo keepers, she was born just a week ago and is in perfect health. This picture shows the mother- daughter interaction between the too. The zoo officially named the baby panda Lu-Lu. Panda bears are extinct animals so it is very important to take good care of the animals, and make sure they are living normal happy lives. It is extraordinary that people can come and observe these precious animals at the zoo. There are some Panda bears that are kept in zoos in America and other countries, but the home of the Panda Bear is in China. There are many organizations that people can join to help support the Panda Bear from being extinct. Just like any other animal, the Panda Bear deserves to live in the wild and live on for generations. This picture shows how precious the Panda is and that if we don't do something about it, they will become extinct.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Someone Else

The person's blog I chose to read was Paige because I know she wont care. From reading her posts, her writings seem to reflect the mood that she is in. One her most recent post Paige is writing about something deep, and something that she was obviously feeling that day. It is always important to get your thoughts and feeling out by writing to feel better. This is what Paige demonstrates sometime in her writing. Also sometimes she writes very long posts, or sometimes they are rather short. I think this shows what type of mood she is in and if she really cares about writing her blog entry.I think that blogs can reflect antibody's mood. Blogs are a way to get your feeling and emotion out, and to make you feel better. It works better when you get to right about your own personal life. Paige was obviously dealing with some personal issues in her life that day and needed to get them out. I hope it made her feel better because I think it does help some people. Other ways of doing this are writing in a diary or journal. I have never done that before, but I have heard that it works too. I'm sure there were other blog posts that seemed interesting about other people, but I chose to write about Paige's because it seemed like she was trying to reflect on her personal issues.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What a Day

Today was a pretty busy and crazy day. It all started bright and early at 8:00 this morning for my first speech exam, I spent most of the night last night studying for it. I hope I made a good grade. Then after that I had to rush to US History to take a quiz, and I ended up studying for about 5 min before the quiz. I felt like I did pretty well though, even though he keeps giving me B's on everything! I really don't think he likes me, because he has given me the same exact grade on every single essay I have done. It's pretty frustrating. After my busy morning, I had to go all the way to Cartersville for a doctors appointment. Cartersville is a little more than an our away. I also took my laundry home, because I still don't really know how to do it.It poured down rain the whole entire time, so of course I was late. I know it sounds gross but I have an ingrown toenail and I had to get part of it cut off today because it kills me in softball! After that I ate the biggest meal of my life at O'Charleys with my parents before I headed back here. Whenever I go home I always get my parents to take me out for a huge meal, and they always do. Now I am just sitting here waiting for the numbness in my toe to fade away, and it will probably start hurting really bad but they gave me painkillers! So I should have an interesting night.

Peace Out.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Crooked Letter State

I knew that Mississippi was a southern state, which means that it was a lot like Georgia but did have some differences. There has always been racism in the south, but I did not know what it was like in Mississippi. In this article I read that a Lebanese family was having trouble being excepted into Clarksdale. They experienced some of the same things that many black families have faced coming to the south. Racism is not as bad as it was many years ago, but it still does happen in many different places. The south is one of the main regions. Over the years, the Lebanese family have seemed o be more excepted, and people come in to eat at their barbecue restaurant. Racism still exists all over the U.S, whether its with blacks, Hispanics, or even Lebanese people. There will always be discrimination in the world, but the important thing is that it can be improved. Martin Luther King was a big part of that, and a lot has improved since those horrible times back then. I'm glad that the Lebanese family began to be excepted in the community, and that they could begin to live a normal life. I could never imagine what it feels like to be discriminated against, and I know that I would never make someone feel as if they did not belong here just because of their race.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's Speech

I think that Obama's speech was a big deal because as a leader of our country, he was trying to influence the young people in our world. It was warrented because he was trying to tell students that they can't ever quit, because if they quit on their futures, they also quit on the future of America. Students that are my age today are the future, and I believe that Obama did the right thing by telling them that they need to focus on their futures. My family votes republican, and that of course influences me. I have grown up seeing things the way my parents see them. They do not like Obama and did not vote for him. I do not know very much about politics, but I believe that Obama is sending a good message here. If I was a teenager in high school who was not trying and had no future for myself, I think it would influence me tremendously if the president of the United States took the time to come talk to me about how I need to try and become something for the future. There are people who do not agree with Obama's plans for America, but I think that anyone could see that he is trying to help these teens and the future of America in this situation. After reading this article, I have more respect for Obama and I truly believe he was doing this for the better of America.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Outdoors

This past Sunday, I spent almost all day outside at practice. When I stepped out of the car and began walking into the locker room all I could smell was the smell of freshly cut grass on the field. It instantly gave me a headache because I knew it was going to be a long and hot day. While we were stretching, I was already sweating. It felt like it was 100 degrees outside. The grass was very green and all the trees stood still, because there was not even the slightest breeze out there. There was not a cloud in the sky, so the sun was just beaming down on all of us. Practice finally ended at like 6:00. It was not a fun day to spend outside. I would have much rather of been at the beach. The atmosphere there is perfect. There is always a cool breeze blowing, and you can hear the waves roaring across the sea. But instead I was at softball practice in Atlanta, Georgia where it is always humid and hot. Just one hour into practice, our grey t-shirts were soaking wet with sweat, and we all smelt bad. Finally practice ended hours later and it was time to go shower! I got into my car and rolled the windows down to attempt to feel the wind and cool down.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best Song!

Anyone who I'm close to knows that I love Britney Spears! I went to he concert this past spring and it was amazing! My favorite song by her is called, "Toxic" and its my all time favorite song. This is because its a fun and exciting song. It's also very catchy, I fell in love with it the first time I heard it. It's kind of old, but definitely one of her classics. Britney did have a meltdown for a few years, but who could blame her? She is one of the most famous people in the world, and she has cameras and reporters following her 24/7. I have loved her songs since the beginning and she finally made the comeback we were hoping for this year. Her CD Circus was amazing and her hits"Womanizer" and "Circus" made it to the top on the charts. She went on tour this past year too, and even went back for a second concert in many of the same cities. I knew she would not be gone forever. I don't think there is any girl who doesn't know her song "Toxic." It is definitely one of the best.It came off her best CD too called, In the Zone. People like to hate on Britney for going a little crazy, but she will always be my favorite and I will always be a huge fan!

Here's a clip.
