Sunday, October 18, 2009


I thought that this article was very interesting and entertaining. It talked about hit songs, and how there is software that can help rate a song. In some cases it helps producers and artists, but in some cases they do not think that it is the best idea. I think it is really cool that there is software out there that can supposedly determine if a song is a hit or not. I had never heard of that before, and I wonder if it is used and trusted by artists' and producers'. This could be a good way for songs to be evaluated, and producers could determine if they need to fix or recreate the song to make it a hit. On the other hand, I could see where this would not be a good idea. Some people might think to themselves, " How is a computer going to determine if people are going to like a song?" It is all about every one's personal opinions. I do not see how a software program can rate a song, and determine if it is a good song. If artists' and producers' start relying on software programs to help them with their music, then sooner or later the computer will be controlling their music. I personally believe whatever can help make a hit is good. Maybe artists' should try the program out, or only consider using it sometimes. If it can truly help, then it is worth it. As long as artists' do not let it begin to control their music then I do not see the harm.

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