Monday, October 5, 2009

Cheap Laughs

In this article there are some phrases and words that I do not understand. Here is a list:

* purport- the appearance of being, profess or claim

*solemnity- the state or character of being solemn; earnestness; gravity; impressiveness

*disembarked- to go ashore from a ship

*hubris- excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance

*Hannity and Colmes - was an American television show on Fox News Channel , hosted by Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes , who talked about news in a liberal and conservative prospective.

*The Daily Show- late night satirical TV show.

This article was talking about satirest and they effect our world and people. In the beginning of the article it talks about how people that are important in our country are made fun of and how it can effect how others look at them. For istnance, they talk about Sarah Palin and how Tina Fey made fun of her on Saturday Night Live. I think in some cases things like this can be funny, until they get carried away. It became a weekly thing where Tina Fey would impersonate Palin and make fun of her and ultimately make her look bad because they were not supportive of her.This can obviously effect how America looks at her, and can hurt her as a person.

Hannity and Colmes and the Daily Show are not personally relevent in my life because I never watched them, but my dad watched Hannity and Colmes quite often. I'm sure that many people who have a conservative and liberal point of view are fans of the show. These shows do effect America in some ways because it gives personal opinions and shows it's views on what each show thinks about what is going on in America.

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