Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Messed Up Stuff

So today I am going to tell a story about my older cousin, Katie. Katie is the oldest cousin I have out of my entire family. She is about seven years older than me, and has had a troubled life. Growing up, she did not have the best childhood and I think this truly effected where she is in life today. Her parents divorced when she was only six years old, and her mother began to get into drugs. After the divorce, she lived with my Uncle Steve who raised her the right way. When she got into middle school, Katie started to rebel and decided she wanted to live with her mother because her mom let her do whatever she wanted. My uncle was very upset, and this began her path down the wrong road. When Katie got into high school things go even worse. At seventeen years old, she was pregnant with her first child. She was involved in many different types of drugs and things were getting dangerous. Her boyfriend died of an overdose on crystal meth. After all this happened, Katie dropped out of high school. Just two years later, she was pregnant again with a second child. Through out all of this, she developed an addiction to meth. Today she is still heavily into drugs and has just recently had her third child. She has been in jail multiple times for possession and shop lifting. my family has tried over and over again to send her to rehab but she will not stay. She does not even want to attempt to save and change her life. My family does not know where she is these days, and we fear she will die soon. She does not even want her first two children, my uncle takes care of them. Everything is so messed up about her life. I have not seen her in almost seven years. It is so sad, and it bothers me a lot sometimes.

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