Monday, August 31, 2009

The Crew

Having good, close friends is one of the most important things to have in life. I have some of the best friends in the entire world from high school. We all are one big group of friends that do everything together. We call ourselves the crew. There is a total of 8 of us. Four girls and four boys. First there is my best friend Kristen, who I have been friends with since 5th grade. I know for a fact that she will be at my wedding. We have been so close for so long, and we do the craziest things together. She plays softball at Berry College. Next, there is Kristen's boyfriend Bryce. He and Kristen have been together for almost a year now, and he plays soccer at Berry. Then comes Nicole, my other best friend. We were in the same kindergarten class together! Isn't that crazy. She is the definition of "dumb blond." She goes to UGA, and she is very book smart, but has NO common sense what-so-ever. Nicole cracks us up all the time!Her boyfriend Benny is also a member of our crew. He is so silly, and will do anything that we tell him to. He cracks us up all the time too, and that's why him and Nicole make such a good couple. Next, is Ryan. He's the "rich one." Me and Ryan have been neighbors and best friends since we were in 3rd grade. We always go to his mountain house, or his beach house. He's the best guy friend I have ever had. Then there is Shelby. Ryan and her both go to GCSU. Shelby is the most dependable person in the world. If you ever need to talk she is always there. My boyfriend Matt is also part of our group, and then there is me! I love my crew, and I know we will continue to stay best friends even though we are far apart.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Home!

I am from Kennesaw, GA, its about 30 min. away from here. I live in a community neighborhood called Legacy Park that is filled with 11 subdivisions. My home is the best place in the world! When I'm not here, I live at my house with my parents and brother. My Home is the place where I can go and feel the most comfortable. I love going home to see my dog! He always is there to greet anyone who walks through the door. That one of the main things I miss. Every home has it's own smell, and I always get a big whiff of it when I walk through the door. There is not always a lot to do, but when all my friends are home that does not matter. Sometimes they all just come over to my house and we chill there. Driving through the town when I come home sometimes, always brings back memories. It makes me miss my friends even more, but we all still hangout when we come home. If I ever have a problem or just need to relax I know that home is the place to go. My family makes me so happy and I would not want to go anywhere else in the world.

I'm even going back this weekend!! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Randy Johnson hits a bird!

This is the funniest thing I have ever seen! How in the world do you manage to hit a bird with a pitch? I don't see this ever happening again in a million years! Randy Johnson will always be known for being the only pitcher to hit a bird. I have heard of birds falling on the field, or even dying, but this is the only time I have ever heard of this happening.

Well, since I do not really know how to write 250 words about how funny this clip is I'm am going to write about Randy Johnson just so that I stay on topic. Randy Johnson is one of the best and most famous pitchers in major league baseball. Most people know that he played for the Arizona Diamonbacks for many years, and the New York Yankees. He is extremely tall, and looks very intimidating on the mound. He is referred to as "the Big Unit." He is married with four children, and one other child from a previous marriage. Johnson was born in Wall Creek, California to Carol Hannah and Rollen Charles Johnson.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My weekend..

This past weekend I had so much fun! I got to go home for the weekend because we didn't have any softball, and it was my brother's birthday. I felt kind of lame going home on the first weekend, but my roommate was leaving too. So on Friday, after our sprint test I headed home and went out to eat with my family. We went to my favorite Mexican restaurant, it was amazing! After that, I went straight home to see my adorable puppy, Riley, who I missed so much! He ran to the door and greeted me! On Saturday, my wonderful boyfriend took me to the zoo, and I had a blast! I hadn't been since elementary school. I got to see all the animals, I felt like a little kid again, but I like to do stuff like that. Then that night my family and I went to Red Lobster for my brother, Max's birthday. He turned 17. I hate seafood so it was my favorite place to go, so I just got a chicken salad.Finally, Sunday came and I had some shopping to do with my mom. This was my favorite part about the weekend. I got some new clothes and shoes! I was so excited. After that I headed back to Georgia State. And that was my fabulous weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Soldiers Story

The narrative story that I found today is about an American Soldier who fights alongside of Iraqis, and how he interacts with Iraqi soldiers’ every day. This story is interesting to me because it tells the story of a soldier's daily life in Iraq. The details are so intense and it is crazy to me what he deals with on a day to day basis. To be honest, I have never picked up or looked up an article about an American Soldier because it never really interested me. Something about this story did catch my eye though. I read the first few sentences and from that moment on I was intrigued. I believe that this article is worth reading because it gives young people, like me, a better understanding about what our soldiers do for us every day.I don't watch the news, so I really don't know what goes on with the war. I have a general idea, but I don't know that those soldiers go through everyday, and I don't understand the fears they face. I will never truly understand what it is like to be an American soldier, but reading stories like these are very inspirational.There are people overseas fighting for our lives every day, and sometimes we take that for granite. I will admit that I do. This soldier uses real, descriptive details to make his story worth reading.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What I have always wanted to write about...

I have always wanted to write about a very emotional event that has happened in my life. Throughout school I have never been given the choice to write about experiences that I feel passionate about or experiences that have changed my life. For example my grandfather died of cancer about a year ago, and it was the toughest thing I have had to go through. Going through that experience changed me as a person and how I feel towards people who are going through the same thing. I feel that if I could write a paper on a personal and emotional subject like this, then I would be able to write so much about how I felt and describe details that I never could in other writings. I think that writing about this would help me to get my emotions out on paper. It could help me feel better about the situation, and could help me get out my thoughts. I know it is an emotional subject for me, but I do feel that it would be good for me and it would not make me sad. When he first past away I never wanted to talk about it or deal with it. But it has been a year now and I feel like I'm ready to get my emotions out.