Sunday, November 8, 2009

Time to Vent

Why are relationships so hard and confusing? Can't everyone just find someone perfect for them and be happy! How do you know when the feeling is right? How do you learn to trust again when someones broken your heart too many times. How many chances does it take to learn and get it right. Why is it sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. Sometimes I just wish I knew what the future held for me. When do you realize if your waisting your time, or if your not? I believe that everything does happen for a reason, I believe that love will work out itself sometimes during my life, but break ups suck! There is no one there to save you at first. Nothing is ever simple anymore, I always feel as if I'm a looking out for him rather than looking out for myself for a change. I am sick of getting screwed over, but I have learned what love is through the good times. I have learned what it takes to push me to the limit. If someone's loves you they shouldn't treat you like shit, they should treat you like your special. When I was willing to give him another chance, why didn't he learn? Its so hard to let go sometimes, but it I know its the right thing. I need to live my life for me and not someones else. I can not let someone control me, I need to learn to love myself and realize what I deserve.

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