Wednesday, November 18, 2009

places i want to visit!

One of my biggest goals before my life is over is to travel th world. I am so interested in what other countries are like, and I really enjoy learning about that kind of thing. I want to visit every continent, and go as many places that I can. To do this, I am going to either have to marry rich, make a lot of money in my career, or have a career in traveling. Whatever happens, I will make sure that I see the world. The first place I would want to go is Australia. This place look amazing! I am a complete beach girl, and this would be the perfect place for me. Besides spending time on the beautiful beaches, I would love to see all the different types of animals there like kola bears, kangaroos, and wallabies. Going to Australia would be a dream come true! I would also love to visit France and Italy. Paris is an beautiful city with places like the Eiffel Tower to visit. It just seems so romantic and place that I would have to see. I would be really interested in traveling to South Africa to see how people live there. I like learning about culture and the ways of life in other countries. The only other country I have ever visited was Mexico. My family and I went to Cancun, Mexico for spring break when I was in 8th grade. It was my favorite place ever! It was so cool to me to be in another country and see how they lived. Besides that, Cancun had the clearest water I had ever seen. My brother and I got to go snorkeling and see all types of fish and sea creatures. It was so much fun! I would love to visit Cancun again someday, or maybe even have my honeymoon there one day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Punk Rock

Today the video showed me some more about what Punk Rock was all about. It began to get pretty violent and weird at some points. I remember in the video it talked about a crazy band called the Sex Pistols. This band began touring in America in Atlanta and had a few incidents with some rednecks. Rednecks did not like their style of music and there were many fights that broke out between the band and the rednecks. Also, there was a strange band of girls called, The Slits. They were extremely different and out there, but many people liked there new style. Punk Rock got really nasty towards the end, and violence and songs about "F*** the World," were the new thing. This was known a hardcore punk, where to me things got a little creepy. Punk finally came to an end in the 1980s, and there was a bit of silence from Punk Rock until the early 90s. In the early 90s, the famous band Nirvana came out with its hit, "Smells Like Teen Spirit." I absolutely love this song! My brother is a huge fan so that how I started listening to them. Nirvana was an escape for teenagers and young people in America. Even though many of their songs do not make sense, the rock and roll and attitude style of Nirvana made them incredibly popular. One thing that has always kind of creeped me out about Punk Rock is that there are some lead singers that ended up killing themselves. Like the lead singer for The Sex Pistols, and Kirk Cobain from Nirvana, and even Jimmy Hendrix. Most all Punk Rockers were on drugs, and some got to such a point where they killed themselves. Many of these bands were successful, it is a shame they had to end their success so soon.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Punk Attitude

Everyone has a different definition of punk and has different views of how it all got started. I could agree with this because in the video we watched, it seemed like everyone who was being interviewed had different opinions of how things began. It was a different type of music because these bands were willing to go crazy with their music and break the rules. Some popular bands were, The Stooges and MC5. These bands open the eyes of many people in the 60s due to their political and violent ways. Many Punk bands dressed like no one had ever seen before. Punk Rock broke a lot of the rules and it seemed like a new type of music that was outrageous but people loved it. The first Punk Rock scene was in New York. A famous place for bands to play in New York was called CBGB. Over in England, times were rough and people needed an escape from the harsh reality. This is when people became rebellious and this is where punk fashion started. A new outrageous band that started in this time was the Sex Pistols. They became one of the most popular and famous Punk Rock bands. I think that the history of Punk is really interesting, because i do not ever really listen to it. It is cool to learn about other types of music and how it all began.

Rupert Murdoch

From his picture, Rupert Murdoch looks like an intelligent successful man. Apparently, this article is saying how he talks about a lot of pointless and false information. He bashes Google in this article as well. He tells people worthless information that is not true to make himself look good to the public. This article talks about how people can see right through him, and he really should not be a big deal in America. He believes that search engines like google, stole his ideas and are taking credit for it. This is completely insane, and he is just trying to make himself look good. Murdoch likes to believe that he created many inventions that are now used on the web, but obviously this is all false information. This is very annoying that he is so cocky and thinks he is the "great creator" or something. He cares about money and he thinks that Google is benefiting from apparently stealing his ideas. I'm sure google is furious or maybe even laughing at him because this is completely out of line and false. This reminds me of someone who is desperate for some attention. People like Murdoch make up rumors and try to make themselves look good by putting others down, and that is so pathetic. Bashing a successful company like Google to make himself look good is completely unfair, I hope that people put him in his place.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Box

This review of the movie,"The Box," paints both a positive and negative influence about the movie. First of all, the review starts out talking about Kelly and how weird and bizarre some of his previous movies were. For instance, I saw his movie Donnie Darko and it was completely out there and strange. I think the only reason I wanted to watch it was because Jake Gyllehaal was in it and I think he is so hot. Anyways, the review makes the movie sound like it is expected to be weird and not too successful because of his previous films. This is why it paints a negative picture on the movie. On the other hand, the review kind of has high hopes for it. This is because Kelly says that he has made an attempt to make a normal movie in this film. The review wants the movie to be successful and hopes that maybe this movie could be a change for Kelly. This point may make people want to give the movie a chance, so it also paints a positive picture.

The plot in the movie is that a couple finds a box left on their doorstep that gives them a choice. If they open the box and push the button, they will receive one million dollars. This sounds like a good deal at first. The couple could use the money to pay for their sons school, and so that Arthur can keep his car. Of course there is a catch if they decide to open the box and press the button. A stranger will die somewhere if they push the button. This would be a tough decision. It is a lot of money, but I do not think I could do it. I could not live and know that I was responsible for the tragic death of an innocent stranger. I don't think I could live with myself.

Sunday, November 8, 2009



These three simple words tell you exactly how you should live your life. Sometimes life can be hard and depressing,but the important thing to do is learn to live your life to the fullest, laugh until you pee your pants, and love like you've never loved before! Living your life means making the most of it. Live to learn and try new things. Live like you were dying, and live like everyday would be your last. Every one has those times in their lives where everything seems like its going wrong, you have to get back up on your feet and keep going. We should all live our lives to the fullest. Laugh your ass off!! Laughing is the best way to make anyone feel better or to get in a good mood. Laughing is one of the best things in life. Have fun and go crazy! Love people truly and deeply. Love your friends and family because they will always be a apart of your life and there for you in the end. Finding true love takes its sweet time. When you find true love, you should love that person with all that you have. Never hold back, because it is real and love is the most important thing in life. Love can take you so far and make your life feel like it is complete.

Time to Vent

Why are relationships so hard and confusing? Can't everyone just find someone perfect for them and be happy! How do you know when the feeling is right? How do you learn to trust again when someones broken your heart too many times. How many chances does it take to learn and get it right. Why is it sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. Sometimes I just wish I knew what the future held for me. When do you realize if your waisting your time, or if your not? I believe that everything does happen for a reason, I believe that love will work out itself sometimes during my life, but break ups suck! There is no one there to save you at first. Nothing is ever simple anymore, I always feel as if I'm a looking out for him rather than looking out for myself for a change. I am sick of getting screwed over, but I have learned what love is through the good times. I have learned what it takes to push me to the limit. If someone's loves you they shouldn't treat you like shit, they should treat you like your special. When I was willing to give him another chance, why didn't he learn? Its so hard to let go sometimes, but it I know its the right thing. I need to live my life for me and not someones else. I can not let someone control me, I need to learn to love myself and realize what I deserve.